"...If you have faith as small as a mustard seed...nothing will be impossible for you" Matthew 17:20

Friday, April 1, 2011

Los trabajadores sociales

Today we had a group of social workers come from a nearby hospital for a day of relaxation and just to get to know them and strengthen our ties with them. Just so you all know and can plan accordingly, Social Workers Day is April 8. I was in charge of games which I was told should be played for 1 ½ hrs! I pulled out all old youthgroup games and played them with these social workers who were around 60 years old. I think they rather enjoyed all of the game choices. They spent the entire day at the orphanage, being shown around, eating lunch, etc. But the most entertaining part of the day was our time in the pool. The orphanage has a therapy pool that the kids use every day. Our psychologist decided to lead the group of adults in something called Bio Danza. This is a form of dance in the water. You are not allowed to speak for the duration of the class. You listen to music and then according to the instructions of the teacher you complete certain tasks. It was very difficult to keep it together as we pretended to be fire, stroked the hands of everyone around us, and circled up swaying back and forth. A most interesting experience.

Bio Danza Playing Games: The Human Knot

The hand stroking

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