"...If you have faith as small as a mustard seed...nothing will be impossible for you" Matthew 17:20

Friday, March 21, 2014

It Takes a Village...

I’ve been thinking about writing this for awhile now. I often wonder what impact I am having on the children I interact with on a daily basis. Because they are so young it’s hard to know if once they are adopted or return to their families if they will remember their time here or remember any of the values taught to them. This can sometimes be disheartening in light of eternity. I want to be able to show Christ to these kids while they are here and have them continue a relationship with God long after they leave this home. I have no control as to where a child ends up; what family they are raised in, what they will be taught later in life. Often times I’m only interacting with a child for a year of his or her life. Most likely the child will not remember my name or remember me.
I was reflecting on this in regards to my own life. I have had countless people pour into my life and teach me lessons that bring me closer to God; coaches, teachers, nurses, classmates, family members and friends.  

Last week I was driving into NYC for a fundraising event. One of my mom’s friends came along to support. We got to talking about how this same friend 14 years earlier used to drive with us for my cancer treatments. On her only day off from work, she would spend close to 12 hours with me. 14 years later she is still a support. This friend is just one of many people who have come alongside me and shown an interest. My life has been made up of so many positive relationships with people. People who have taken the time to invest in me, some who I don’t even remember their names or their faces. However, they have helped to shape who I am today. I pray that the children at the orphanage will take with them values that have been poured into them from the Tías, staff, volunteers, and me. That they will remember how God used so many different people in their lives to bring them closer to Him. I would ask that you pray that the work that is happening here would have an impact long after each child leaves with his forever family. 

1 comment:

  1. You brought tears to my eyes. We will always support you. You are a BEAUTIFUL person inside and out. God is definitely using you in people's life.
